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[ZAŁUSKI Andrzej Stanisław] Constitutiones & Decreta Synodi Diœcesanæ Plocensis sub ... D. Andrea Stanislao Kostka in Załuskie Załuski ... Episcopo Plocensi Pultoviæ Anno Domini MDCCXXXIII .... Warsaw 1735.

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Author: [ZAŁUSKI Andrzej Stanisław].

Title: Constitutiones & Decreta Synodi Diœcesanæ Plocensis sub ... D. Andrea Stanislao Kostka in Załuskie Załuski ... Episcopo Plocensi Pultoviæ Anno Domini MDCCXXXIII. Die 4. Augusti Celebratæ.

  • Place of issue: Warsaw
  • Year of publication: 1735
  • Publisher: Typis Collegii Regii Societatis Jesu/ Jesuit printing house
  • Number of pages: [20], 264, [16].
  • Illustrations, maps: ---
  • Size: 20 cm
  • Binding: half leather with gilt on spine, undated stamps
  • Condition: minor rubbing of binding, mistakes in pagination (instead of 258-264, mistakenly marked 358-364).
  • ISBN: ---


Estr. XV-XVIII 30, 149; Estr. XV-XVIII, 14, 838.

Variant B. In the "Appendix ad Synodum" part of the documents in Polish.

Edition of the synodal constitutions of the synod of Pultusk on August 4, 1733, under the episcopate of Andrzej Stanisław Kostka Załuski (1695-1758), bishop, great chancellor of the crown, great patron of culture and science, bibliophile, co-founder of the Załuski Library. In addition to the regulations and recommendations for worship, the collection included provisions on heresy, Jews and the organization of the clergy of the diocese, among others.

"The last in the First Republic before partition was the 1733 synod. - Bishop Andrzej Stanislaw Kostka Załuski convened this synod to strengthen the discipline of the clergy, raise the spiritual life of the faithful, and fight superstition. It was highly original in its resolutions. The section on preaching stipulated that the Gospel should reach those who do not come to church, that it should be read in homes, and that its preaching should be differentiated: different for children, different for adults. These are very innovative statements for those times."

"The resolutions of the 1733 synod of Bishop Andrzej Stanisław Kostka Załuski were published in print in 1735 in Warsaw. They contain the constitutions, decrees and appendices approved by the bishop at the synod. There is also a bull by Pope Clement XI, approving all the resolutions. Everything is written in Latin, but there are some exceptions. Where the legislator felt that the addressee did not speak Latin, the text is written in Polish. "We send our Pastoral Blessing to you, wedded to God by three solemn vota, Virgins of Christ. What is the dignity, solemnity and eminence of your state iest? You may easily conclude that you are the Bride of Him whom, when you love, unspotted and undefiled, whom, when you are betrothed to Him, you will keep pure and unblemished the crown of Virginity. (...) Therefore, My Virgins, direct your thoughts and hearts in such a way that you may be completely submerged and immersed in your eternal lover," according to the chapter "On Religious Virgins and Monasteries of Ladies".

(Rev. Dr. Tadeusz Kozlowski,

"The synodal statutes were included in 47 chapters and housed in 202 pages of a printed book entitled. "Constitutiones et Decreta Synodi Dioecesanae Plocensis sub 111. Exc. Rev. mo D. no D. Andrea Stanislao Kostka in Załuskie Załuski.... Pultoviae anno Domini 1733 die 4 Augusti celebratae", Varsaviae 1735, pp. 20 nlb. +264 +16 nlb.

This sizable volume of statutes and the related collection of appendices is distinguished by the extensive range of pastoral matters regulated and can be compared with the "Reformationes Generales" issued for the Diocese of Cracow by Marcin Szyszkowski in 1621.

The value of the 1733 synod statutes of the Plock diocese was fully appreciated by the following Plock bishops. Already in the coming years, Bishop Sebastian Dembowski took energetic steps to implement the synodal resolutions, which could not be done by St. A. himself. Załuski both because of the wars that plagued the country and because he moved to the bishopric of Lutsk. Therefore, the aforementioned successor to the Plock capital, immediately upon assuming his reign in the diocese, issued a special letter to the clergy, in which he ordered the conscientious observance of all the statutes of the diocesan synod of 1733, for he soon understood that the numerous shortcomings and abuses, negligence and transgressions in the life of the clergy and the faithful could be effectively combated and rectified by recalling and observing the synodal laws.

However, perhaps the greatest influence was exerted by the Plock synod of 1733 on diocesan legislation during the bishopric of Michael George Poniatowski. During the time of this bishop, very numerous and often extensive orders, edicts and instructions began to appear, which referred dozens of times to these synodal statutes, finding in them many motives and guidelines for the further development and clarification of diocesan legislation, and especially for the improvement of pastoral activities."(Walenty Józef Sumarcz, Andrzej Stanisław Załuski Bishop of Płock as a legislator, Prawo Kanoniczne : kwartalnik prawno-historyczny 9/3-4, 1966).


06 April 2024 CEST/Warsaw
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184 EUR
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